Tap to Phone – Accept in-person payments with just your phone

Tap to Phone

Accept in-person payments with just your phone.

A new way to pay and be paid.

Tap to Phone Animation

No hardware needed

No terminal? No problem. Cut out all the extra equipment, and simply have your customer hover their phone over yours to complete a payment.

Tap to Phone - No Hardware Needed


Easily integrate Tap to Phone with zero disruption to your current processing flow. Onboarding is instant, and there’s no customer set-up required.

Next Level Brand

Next-level brand experience

Who doesn’t want to be on the cutting-edge of new tech? Tap to Phone is fast, easy, and—dare we say it?—kind of fun.


Built-in security features

Transaction data is fully protected through a rigorous, software-based TEE (trusted execution environment) platform. It’s hardware-grade security without the hassle.

How It Works

Use cases

As customers increasingly demand a touchless, cashless experience, Tap to Phone is poised to revolutionize the payments landscape. 

Brick-and-mortar retailers
Tap to Phone leverages the latest technology to create frictionless experiences for consumers. Businesses around the world are eager to adapt—in fact, 75% of US-based SMBs say that they expect consumers to prefer contactless methods at least as much or more in the future.
Healthcare providers
48% of U.S. households had healthcare expenses in the last calendar year. Save time and improve patient experiences by offering painless payment acceptance.
Trade shows and payment-on-delivery services
Hauling equipment back and forth between vendors or clients can be a logistical nightmare. With your phone serving as a mobile point-of-sale device, you’ll never miss a sale again.